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Jeneffer Widjaja

Jeneffer Widjaja was born in Surabaya, 2nd August 1995. He started his piano lesson at age 4 through Yamaha Music School. She earned bachelor’s degree of music in Classical Piano Performace under guidance of Dr. Johannes Nugroho at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Jakarta, Indonesia. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree of Classical Piano Performance at Valdosta State University under guidance of Dr. Stephanie Neeman. She has been actively participating in concert and competitions such as first winner of Queensland Piano Competition in 2007 at Brisbane, Australia, 2nd runner-up JCom Piano Competition in 2011, finalist JCom Piano Competition in 2013, Big Finalist Ananda Sukarlan Award 2014, Gold Award of Steinway Piano Competition 2016. She never stops learning and joined masterclass by Iswargia R. Sudarno, Slamet Abdul Sjukur, Oliver Kern, Kazuha Nakahara, Nariaki Sugiura, and Andreas Henkel.

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