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Daniel Konicki

My journey in music began when I was in 2nd grade. I have had three piano teachers. My first instructor, whom I took under for 8 years, spiked my interest and was able to find me a Master Piano teacher at the age of 16. The Master teacher was able to get me to where I needed to be, because he pushed me hard and enforced the mechanical and artistic areas of music, on which my prior teacher could not, due to the fact that she did not push me hard enough and left out a lot of the mechanical and artistic aspects. Then when I stepped up to the collegiate level, my Master Teacher was able to get me through Virginia Commonwealth University, because he knew of a professor, Dr. Huang, and he asked her if she could listen to me play. She agreed to hear me, and when I finished playing for her, she strongly encouraged me to audition, even though the time to audition was over a month ago. After I auditioned, I found out later that I made it into the program, and now I am taking under Dr. Huang who is continuing to help me strengthen my craft. My hobbies, is reading and composing music. I also teach piano, and have been currently teaching for three years.

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