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Zornitsa Ilarionova

Zornitsa Ilarionova has graduated from the “Lyubomir Pipkov” National school of music, Sofia in the violin class of Blagorodna Taneva , Escuela Superior de Musica Reina Sofia – Madrid in the violin class of Prof. Zakhar Bron and New Bulgarian University as a student of Prof. Mario Hossen.

Zornitsa has won numerous prizes in many national and international violin competitions, including “Nedyalka Simeonova”, “Pancho Vladigerov”, “Dobrin Petkov”, “Young Virtuosos”, ”Kanetti”, Antaliya, ”Vasko Abadjiev”, First international violin competition “Varna” 2015 and many others. She has enjoyed performances in Paris, Cannes, Monaco, Madrid, Lisbon, Brussels, Hamburg, Essen, Moscow, Vienna, Bratislava, Bern, Ljubljana, Interlaken, Thessaloniki, Belgrade; and in numerous international music festivals (“March music days”- Ruse, Bulgaria, “Vladimir Spivakov”-Moscow, “Musica Mundi”-Belgium, “Mozarteum” - Salzburg, chamber music festival in Bohlen, Germany, “Sofia music weeks”- Sofia, ”Varna summer”- Varna, “Apolonia”- Sozopol, “Laureates days Katya Popova”- Pleven, “Evmelia” - Greece, and the International Music Festival “Orpheus” in Vienna. She has worked with musicians including Prof. Zakhar Bron, Prof. Mincho Minchev, Prof. Tanja Becker – Bender, Prof. Boris Garlitsky, prof. Michael Frischenschlager, Prof. Gerard Poulet, Prof. Donald Weilerstein, Prof. Oleg Krysa, Prof. Igor Petrushevsky, Prof. Latica Honda-Rosenberg, Ivry Gitlis, Svetlin Roussev, Vadim Gluzman, Midori and many others.

Zornitsa was awarded by Ministry of Culture of Republic of Bulgaria for high achievements in the art of violin playing. She is grateful for the support of the “Dimitar Berbatov” Foundation as one of the most successful young musicians in Bulgaria. She is considered as a laureate at the competition, organized by “Yordan Kamdzhalov” Foundation.

In 2015 she performed at several concerts as a soloist of Pleven Philharmonic orchestra under the baton of Maestro Yordan Kamdzhalov. On 12th June 2014 she received from her Majesty Queen Sofia in Royal Palace of El Pardo in Madrid, Spain the award “The best violinist in the violin class of prof. Zakhar Bron”. In 2015 Zornitsa was also invited to perform as soloist of the Symphony Orchestra of Bulgarian National Radio under the baton of Maestro Emil Tabakov at a special concert for the 80 anniversary of BNR. In September 2015 became a finalist at 13th International violin competition “Henryk Wieniawski” in Poland. Zornitsa becomes a winner of the prestigious award “Cristal lyre” for “Young performer” of 2015”. In November 2015 she became further distinguished as a laureate at the First International Violin Competition in Varna, Bulgaria. She has been specially recommended by Prof. Zakhar Bron as one of the most promising young violinists to perform at one of the most renowned festivals in Europe-”Encuentro de Santander 2016”.

In December 2016 she is announced as one of the 8 semifinalists at Windsor International String Competition in Windsor, UK.

In April 2017 she has been awarded "Grand Prix" and the special award of National Radio of France for couple of concerts during 2017/2018 concert season at XXV International Music Competition "Music and Earth" - Sofia, Bulgaria.

Also in April 2017 Zornitsa Ilarionova becomes the second prizewinner at the International Violin Competition "Suna Kan" - Ankara, Turkey.

On 30th April she is awarded First prize and aslo the special prize of Thomastic Infeld at the International Music Competition "E-Muse" 2017 in Greece.

On 10th May Zornitsa Ilarionova has been awarded 3rd prize at the International Music competition “Rising Stars” – Berlin, Germany

Zornitsa has numerous recordings that are broadcasted by the Bulgarian National Radio and Bulgarian National Television. At the age of 14 Zornitsa recorded her own CD with works by Mozart and Sarasate.

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