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The Pierre String Ensemble

Dorisse Pierre, Violin
Clarisse Pierre, Viola

Dorisse and Clarisse Pierre began their journey playing the violin and the viola at the young age of 6 years. With the rigorous training of Ms. Olga Dusheina Dougherty, they moved to the level of performing solo and with several groups like the New Jersey Conference of SDA orchestra, The Eastern Christian high school strings and chamber orchestra, The Rockland Youth Orchestra of New York (RYO) and more recently promoted to the RYO-advanced ensemble “Con Fuoco”. The duo of The Pierre String Ensemble has been awarded second place at the Little Mozart Crescendo International Competition with a performance at the Carnegie Hall's Stern Auditorium in April 2017. The pair has participated in several Great Composers Competitions including and won first and third prize for Rising Talents of America and Artist of the Year 2017. Dorisse and Clarisse also perform yearly at the New York State School Music Association Spring evaluation festival and individually received A+ rating for level VI in May 2018. The twin girls are engaged in playing for churches, weddings and community centers in Rockland, Queens and Kings Counties of New York. Dorisse and Clarisse are co- founders of Music-All Kids [http://www.musicallkids.org] a non-profit organization promoting music education with a music scholarship fund supporting private lessons for worthy kids 4-17 years.

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FREE Entries: Sept 8 - 15

FREE Entries: Sept 8 - 15

FREE Entries: Sept 14 - 21

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