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Jason Kakuk

Jason Kakuk is a tenor from Queenstown, Maryland. Ever since middle school he has always found himself revolving around music; listening to it endlessly, singing in chorus, and analyzing lyrical themes. However, his love for performing arts blossomed when he decided to audition for his high school's production of The Phantom of the Opera. Jason made his debut as Ubaldo Piangi and would later end up being Shrek from 'Shrek! The Musical', Otto Frank (The Diary of Anne Frank), and Jean-Michel (R&H's Cinderella). Currently, he is a part of the Bethesda Summer Music Festival where he is portraying Beadle Bamford (Sweeney Todd) and Monostatos (The Magic Flute.) Jason has also been passionately playing the guitar for 3 years and hopes to broaden his familiarity with many other instruments along with his own voice!

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