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Grace Zheng

Grace Zheng began her piano study at he age of 6 with Mrs. Christina Coy in Akron, Ohio. She participated in the Festivals sponsored by The National Federation of Music Clubs and was awarded with unanimous superior and superior ratings. Grace also received commendable ratings at the Ribbon Festivals sponsored by The Ohio Music Teachers Association. In 2011, she moved to China with her family and continued her piano study with a Chinese teacher for 3 years. However, she decided to become Mrs. Choy's student again and learn from her through Skype. In 2016, Grace received an honorable mention award from the American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music. In addition, she received two third prize awards this year from the Great Composers Competition Best Brahms Performance and Music of the 19th Century competitions. Grace has been serving as an accompanist for a Chinese church's choir. She has been an active piano teacher. Her first student has motivated her to consider pursuing a music education major once she enters college.

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