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Chris Tsang

Chris Tsang (aged 12) was born in Melbourne and began learning piano at the age of five at the Yamaha Music School. He is currently studying piano under the guidance of Dr. Kenji Fujimura.

Since 2015 Chris has won 13 first prizes in various piano competitions including the National Bernstein Piano Competition, the Reg Lewis Memorial section at Eisteddfod by the Bay, as well as the Best Tchaikovsky Performance, the Music of Century – 19th Century and the Best Performance of Debussy at Great Composers Competition. Recent successes include the awarding of a prestigious Music Scholarship to commence study at Melbourne Grammar School in 2018.

Chris has performed at various masterclasses and concerts including the Piano Marathon at Rippon Lea for a National Trust fundraising event as well as the Little Lev Piano Festival at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. He is also a member of the Senior School Choir and percussionist in the School Orchestra at Doncaster Gardens Primary School and is a past member of the Young Voices of Melbourne. Chris’ interests include listening to orchestral music and watching musicals, as well as playing soccer, basketball, football, and performing magic tricks.

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