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Sasha Radosav

Sasha was born November 25, 2005, in New York, USA. He studied violin with Brian Krinke and Jude Ziliak at Special Music School of America, New York, between 2011-2016, and with Magdalena Ursu at National College of Music "Dinu Lipatti" in Bucharest, Romania, since 2016. He also composed 2 pieces for Orchestra, "The War" (2012-2013) and "Cosmic Collisions" (2014), both performed by "Face The Music" Youth Symphony Orchestra in New York. Sasha's Competition awards are:

1st place - MTNA Competition, 2013-2014, Composition Section (New York State phase)
1st prize - Paul Polidor International Violin Competition, Bucharest, November 26-27, 2016
1st prize - Dan Cumpata National Violin Competition, Bucharest, December 15 -17, 2016
1st place - National Competition of Music Theory, Solfeggio and Musical Dictation, Bucharest, February 18, 2017

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