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Maya Lily Knoller

Maya Lily Knoller, age 12, is an 8th grade student at Gottesman RTW Academy in Randolph NJ.

Maya Lily started piano at the age of 6, under the instruction of Tomoko Harada. She is currently studying with Professor Sondra Tammam, who is the co-founder and co-director of the Dorothy Taubman Seminar at Montclair State University.

Maya Lily took part in various competitions around the state of New Jersey. She became a grand winner of the PTSA (Piano Teacher Society of America) in May, 2012. She won 2nd place multiple times at the NJMTA Fall Audition in the years of 2011, 2013, and 2014. At the NLPA (National League of Performing Arts) audition, she became a grand winner in April 2013 and 2014, a silver winner in March 2015, and a gold winner in April 2016. Maya Lily Knoller has performed numerous times at the Weill Recital at Carnegie Hall, New York as a part of several winner recitals. Maya Lily plays at her school music ensemble.

Outside of school, Maya Lily enjoys competitive swimming, reading and sketching.

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