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Marlaina Owens

Marlaina Owens, soprano, is a second-year MFA student at UC Irvine. She received her B.A in Music from Loyola Marymount University in 2016. At the end of her undergraduate career, in addition to presenting her senior recital, she had many successes such as being one of the students chosen to be featured on a school banner, being chosen to sing at her undergraduate graduation for both Bill and Hilary Clinton, among other honors. Since graduation, she has performed as the Soprano Soloist in Handel's Messiah with the Los Angeles Inner City Youth Orchestra. In 2017, she performed as a chorus member with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and the Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers in Kurt Weill's Lost in the Stars in January and was Mrs. Gibbs in UCI Opera's production of Ned Rorem's Our Town in May 2017. She was also the title role in Puccini's Suor Angelica with UCI Opera in May 2018 and will be Rosalinda in Strauss's Die Fledermaus this coming May.

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