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Vicky Liu

Vicky's piano journey started when she was 8 years old. In 2014, Vicky received Lydia Wiebe Award from University of Manitoba's Piano Enrichment Audition. In addition, in 2014, Vicky also performed piano with her school choir for the school's winter concert, 50th Anniversary, award ceremony and Remembrance Day Ceremony. In 2015, Vicky competed in the Manitoba Provincial Music Festival and won Manitoba Registered Music Teacher's Association Scholarship. Moreover, in January of 2015, Vicky performed piano for "Musicians in the Making" program at Centennial Concert Hall. Furthermore, throughout the period of 2014-2017, Vicky competed in the Winnipeg Music Festival and was the winner of Romantic Composer, Classical Sonata, French Composer, and Grieg Concerto Competition. In 2016, Vicky achieved first place for the Senior Piano Enrichment Audition at University of Manitoba and received a master class scholarship.

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