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Nazar Plyskaw

Nazar Plyska was born in 2004 in Ukrainian – Polish family of scientists and musicians. He started to play violine and piano at the age of five. His present violine teacher is Ewa Kowar-Mikolajczyk (E. Mlynarski Secondary Music School in Warsaw). From 2012 Nazar regularly works with Prof. V.Jakubovskaya during master-classes in Lancut (Poland) and with Prof. A. Gebski - master-classes in Goch (Germany).

He is the member of Luslawice Orchestra of Talents in K.Penderecki European Music Centre and the concertmeister of his music school orchestra in Warsaw.

Nazar is a prize-winner of many national and international music contests (both for violine and piano).

The most important violine competitions are:
1. VIII Polish National M. Lawrynowicz Violine Competition (Plock, Poland) – III prize, 2014
2. B. Warchal International Violine Competition (Kubin Dolny, Slovakia) –
V prize, 2015
3. Polish National Violine Auditions CEA (Katowice, Poland) – II prize, 2015
4. International Violine Competition „Kaunas Sonorum – 2015“ (Kaunas, Lithuania) – I prize, 2015
5. V International Music Competition in Stockholm (Stockholm, Sweden) –
I prize, 2016

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