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Mingyuan Yang

Mingyuan Yang was the First Prize winner at the International Double Reed Society (IDRS) Young Artist Competition held at the University of Redlands, California in June 2013. Yang is a Master of Music candidate at Yale University School of Music where he currently studies with Dr. Frank Morelli. Yang graduated from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 2012, where he studied with Dr. Wendy Rose. While a student at WMU, he was chosen as a winner in the School of Music 54th and 57th Annual Concerto Competition. In the summer of 2015, Yang was chosen as the only bassoon player participated in National Arts Centre Summer Music Institute, Ottawa, Canada where he studied with Professor Christopher Millard. In the same summer he went to The Banff Centre Arts Program Master Classes for Strings & Winds where he studied with Dr. Frank Morelli.

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