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Hali Liu

Hali Liu, a junior at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS, began her piano lessons at age six under the instruction of Mr. Joseph Myers and continues her study with Ms. Ying-Yu Emily Yeh. Among her achievements, Hali was a second place winner in the Kansas City Music Teachers Association Junior Concerto Competition Senior Division in 2019. She also placed 2nd for the Golden Classical International Competition and performed at Carnegie Hall in 2017. The same year, she received 2nd place from Mid-America Music Association Festival Piano Competitive Event. In 2016, Hali was awarded 3rd place in the Great Composers International Competition-Master of Piano Sonata Competition. She participated in the Sigma Alpha Iota Junior High Audition and was awarded monetarily as one of the top ten winners in 2015. Hali also received an award from American Protégé International Music Talent Competition and was invited to perform at Carnegie Hall in 2015. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, Hali performed in the Kansas State Honors Competition and received Honorable Mention awards. Besides piano, Hali also plays viola.

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