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Eilidh Hong

Eilidh Hong's (age 6+) passion in music is evident at a young age. She started Suzuki method violin lessons a little before she turned 3 under the tutelage of Ms Karen Michéle-Kimmett. Since then, her life has been a continuous growth of musical experience. Her recent achievements was the four awards she received at the Kingston Kiwanis Music Festival in March 2016, i.e. Honorary Junior Strings Award, Honorary Piano Award, Honorary Original Composition Award and Carl Boe Memorial Multi-discipline Award. For this, she was invited to perform at the Kiwanis Highlight Concert. She also performed with Orchestra Kingston at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in May. Currently a Grade 2 student at Winston Churchill Public School, Eilidh also plays the piano, loves reading, art, ballet, swimming and exploring the nature. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

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