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Edward Lee

Edward Lee, 17 has played violin 9 years. He was born in Silver Spring, Maryland. His teacher is Mr. Semo Adrian. Edward goes to Montgomery Blair High School, GT program Math Science & Computer Science. He has been member of NLFO (New Life Foundation Orchestra) 2012-2015. He had participated and served missions to the South America, Republic Dominican during summer of 2013, Mexico 2014 and Costa Rica 2015 with NLFO Ensembles. Edward has won numerous awards including 1st Prize at the International Global Great Composer Competition-Best Bach performing Solo Division, Mar 21, 2017 UK. 2nd Place at the International Piano & String competition for Intermediate Solo Division, award recital at the Carnegie Hall, NY Apr 2017. 2nd place at the International Maestro Competition for Chamber Music, award Recital held at the Strathmore Mansion Hall, MD Feb 2017. He also won the 1st Prize at the International Music Talent Competition, recital held at the Carnegie Hall, NY 2016. 2nd place got awarded at the International Concerto Competition, recital held at the Carnegie Hall, NY 2015.

1st place at the Maryland Music Teacher’s Associate Solo String Competition in 2012,2013, 2014 and 2015. 1st place at the Gaithersburg Young Artist Award Competition 2015. He won 3rd place at the Potters Intermediate Solo Concerto Competition in 2012. He also won the Honorable Mention at the AAMS (Asian American Music String) Junior Solo Competition in 2012, 2013. He participated and performed at the Bethesda, MD Summer Festival 2016, 2017. He participated and Performed at the Beneficial Concert for helping out Orphans and DC homeless people Feb 2014, 2015.He had served as Concertmaster of the AYPO American Youth Concert Orchestra 2013-2014 and Co- Concertmaster of the MCYO Symphony Orchestra 2013-2014. he serves Concertmaster of MCYO Symphony Orchestra 2014-2015 and 7years of volunteer and performing at MCYO.

Currently, he serves as a Concertmaster at the Montgomery Blair High Chamber Orchestra, and He plays first violin section at the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic Orchestra (Adult Orchestra) 2017-2018. Besides music, He likes play basket ball with teams for fun.

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