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Philip Przybylo

Born in 2000 in Ottawa, Philip Przybylo, an aspiring performer and composer, is currently studying piano under professor Jean Desmarais. He started playing the piano at the age of six, and music very quickly became his passion.

As a pianist, he wishes to popularize the modern repertoire that is the most dear to him, and find contemporary ways of presenting the great masters of the past. The performers he admires the most are Glenn Gould, Friedrich Gulda and Ivo Pogorelich for their polyphonic precision and neoteric approach to classical music.

Philip's composition work is inspired by Dmitri Shostakovich, Arnold Schoenberg and Karlheinz Stockhausen, and focuses on concert, theatre and film music.

His most recent composition ""Ironie for piano"" and performance of A. Schoenberg's ""Sechs Kleine Stücke Op. 19"" were rewarded at the 2016 Kiwanis Music Festival.

He is presently working on a song cycle in which he experiments with mathematically constructed atmospheres, atonal polyphony and different ways of ""composing"" speech.

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