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Esther Abrami

Born in France in 1996, Esther graduated from the Aix-en- Provence Conservatoire at the age of 13. She continued her studies at Chetham's School of Music in Manchester where she studied with Jan Repko. In 2015, Esther began her undergraduate degree at the Royal College of Music in London, studying with Leonid Kerbel.

Esther recently took part in masterclasses with renowned musicians such as Shmuel Ashkenasi, Lewis Kaplan and Charlie Siem.

She recently gave a recital at the British Embassy in Paris, at the annual Rotary charity concert and was awarded the first price at the Vatelot Rampal violin competition as well as receiving the Honorable mention at the Risingstars Grandprix competition.

As a chamber musician Esther is part of a quartet that has been invited to the Wigmore Hall Learning National Young String Quartet Weekend.

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