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Amer Hasan

Amer Hasan is 17-year-old Chicago-based clarinetist. Amer has been recognized and has received top awards in the Midwest Young Artists’ Walgreens National Concerto Competition, the DePaul University Concerto Festival, the Merit School of Music Concerto Competition, the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, the Southwest Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, and the Classical Music Competition hosted by the Luminarts Cultural Foundation. In addition, Amer was selected as a 2016 Classical Music Winner by the National YoungArts Foundation. Since age 11, he has been attending the Merit School of Music's Alice S. Pfaelzer Tuition-free Conservatory. He is also a member of the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra and Encore Chamber Orchestra. He has performed in many venues and concert halls throughout the Midwest, including a solo performance at Chicago's Symphony Center. Amer has also recently performed in the 2016 Chicago Youth in Music Festival orchestra under the baton of Maestro Gennady Rozhdestvensky and Maestro Cliff Colnot and has served as first chair clarinetist of the ILMEA All-District Band, All-District Orchestra, and All-State Honors Band. Amer is a junior at Carl Sandburg High School and studies with Dr. Bonnie Campbell.

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