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Mihaela Nikolovska

Mihaela Nikolovska was born on 9thDecember 2007 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. She started her musical education in 2013, as a student at The State Music and Ballet School “Ilija Nikolovski Lui” in Skopje. She has been a student in Professor SlagjanaJovanovich’s class since 2014. Mihaela has been a participant in four international competitions, where she was awarded the following awards:

1. VIII International Music and Dance Festival AMADEUS, May 2015 – laureate (prize winner)
2. Art Festival DOJRANA, June 2015 - first place
3. IX International Music Festival Arangelovac, March 2016 – absolute winner (100 points)
4. XIV International Competition for Young Pianists – Nish. April , 2016 - first place

Mihaela has had performances on more than one show and she has also had a few solo performances in Macedonia. She has done a few audio and video recordings for different national radios and television stations.

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