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Logan Trotter

Logan Trotter is a Freshman at UNC School of the Arts, pursuing her Bachelor of Music degree. She has recently won second place at NC NATS and received first honors at Regional NATS which has qualified her to audition for Nationals. She has also recently won second place in the Euterpe Music Competition.   Logan has appeared in opera choruses of Il Cappello di Paglia di Firenze, Don Giovanni, Hansel and Gretel, and L’enfant et les Sortileges. She has appeared as a soloist in Rutter’s Requiem, Vivaldi’s Gloria, and Bach’s Christmas Oratorio. She is currently a Hudson Scholar at Centenary United Methodist Church. Logan has attended the Washington National Opera Summer Intensive for Young Singers, American Singers Opera Project, and the Brevard Music Festival. She plans on attending the Greensboro Light Opera and Song Young Artist Program this summer. Logan is currently a student of Marion Pratnicki.

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