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Ian Evans Guthrie

Ian Evans Guthrie is emerging as a tour-de-force composer and pianist. He recently won 2nd place in the American Prize 2nd prize in the Great Composers Competition: Music of America, in addition to his many other composition and performance prizes and recognition from ASCAP, SCI, MTNA, National Federation of Music Clubs, Webster Community Music School, and other nationally- and regionally-recognized music organizations and clubs. In addition, many of his works have been performed publicly around the world from groups such as Indaco String Quartet, fEARnoMUSIC, Portland’s Metropolitan Youth Symphony, the Northwest Symphony Orchestra, the Moore Philharmonic Orchestra, and many others.

Guthrie graduated from Texas Christian University with his master’s under a teaching assistantship, where he studied composition, theory, and piano performance, and will begin his Doctor of Music at Florida State University in Fall 2017. You can find more information about him at ianguthriecomposer.com/biography.

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