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Annerike du Plessis

Annerike du Plessis (16) is a pupil at Bellville High School. She has acted as soloist with the Johannesburg Symphony Orchestra and the Hugo Lambrechts Symphony Orchestra. In 2011 she was a finalist at the Hubert van der Spuy National Music Competition, and in 2012 she was named as a finalist and winner of  Grahamstown National Music Competition's Junior Division. During 2014 achieved Annerike an overall 1st place at the same competition's Senior division, and is also named as a finalist and winner of the 15 years and under catagory of Atterbury National Piano Competition. During 2015, she was a finalist at the Johann Vos Piano Competition and achieved the overall first place in the Senior catagory. She was appointed in the same year as the overall winner of the Peter Kooij Music Competition.

Annerike also plays clarinet and is part of Bellville High School's symphonic wind orchestra who was named national winners of the South African Music Association's competition for brass bands. She sings vocals, likes participating in debate and public speaking and is a member of the school's first hockey team. She is a piano student of Mario Nell.

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