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Alex Pan

Alex Pan, a 10 year old pianist, is a fifth grader at Mason Intermediate School, Mason, Ohio. He started taking piano lessons at age five and currently studies with Dr. Nozomi Yamaguchi at College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati. Alex has participated in various recitals, music festivals, and competitions such as the US Open Music Competition in 2012 winning top award and Buckeye State Audition. Alex has a passion for music. He also plays violin, sings in the Cincinnati Boychoir and studied composition with Dr. Eric Street at University of Dayton. Alex’s previous piano teachers include Dr. Natsuki Fukasawa, Dr. Eric Street, Dr. Benita Leung and Dr. Jackson Leung.

Besides music, Alex also plays chess and competed at the State and National levels. Academically, he excels in math and won the first place in several math contests such as 2013 Mathleague (two times) and 2015 Ohio Mathematics Contest.  He also made to the National Honor Roll and National Achievement Roll for AMC8 (American Mathematics Contest 8) both in 2014 and 2015, For recreation, Alex enjoys figure skating, swimming, and basketball.

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