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Adam Przyjemski

Adam Jan Przyjemski, 11, naturally musical young vocalist with exceptional voice has been taking vocal lessons with Kinga Mitrowska since he was 9 and playing piano at the Ontario Music Conservatory since he was 5.

His greatest achievements are winning many music competitions such as Hamilton Music Festival 2015, Niagara Music Festival 2015 and 2016, Great Composers Competition:
The Art of Musical Theatre, The Music of The Centuries and The Art of The Christmas Song, International Christmas Song competition in 2015 and 2016 and Polish Song Festival in 2015. Adam also has been involved in musicals and performances including “Magical Broadway Concerts” by Kinga Mitrowska at Maja Prentice Theatre and theatre for youth. Adam performed and been one of the finalists at the Canadian National Exhibition CNE “Rising Talent Star” in 2015 and 2016. Adam have been chosen as a First Place Winner in a Broadway/Musical Theatre Category of The American Protege International Vocal Competition 2017 and will perform at the Carnegie Hall in NY on December.

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