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Sophia Li

Sophia Li, a junior at Vernon Hills High School, studies piano with Sueanne Metz. She has achieved several accomplishments, some of which include receiving 1st place at the 2016 Carmel Klavier International Piano Competion, 1st and 2nd place prizes in the 2016 Great Composers Competition Series, participating in the 2015 Seattle International Piano Festival as one of seven finalists from around the world, placing 1st in the 2014 US New Star Piano Competition, 2nd at the 2014 Louisiana International Piano Competition, 2nd at the 2014 American Protege International Competition of Romantic Music, and 3rd at the 2012 Illinois State Music Teacher Association Piano Competition. As a winner of the 2013 American Fine Arts Festival Russian Concerto Competition, she performed in both Carnegie Hall and with the Kostroma Symphony Orchestra in Moscow, Russia. Sophia has also performed with the Philharmonic Orchestra of the University of Alicante at Sala dei Notari in Perugia, Italy. Sophia has participated in concert programs at the Skokie Valley Public Library, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, and the Chicago Cultural Center. Additionally, Sophia has actively attended master classes given by John Bayless, Sara Davis Buechner, Marina Lomazov, and Yuri Slesarev. Aside from piano, Sophia plays cello in her school orchestra and enjoys writing, tennis, and participating in triathlons.

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