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Rebecca Park

Rebecca Park, a Korean-Canadian flutist, is a Junior attending Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Starting flute at the age of 12, Rebecca has appeared in numerous ensembles, solo recitals, as well as competitions.

Rebecca was given the award of a prize winner of the 2015 National Young Arts Foundation Competition and is a prize winner of the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony's Young Artist Solo Concerto Competition. At the age of 15, she has appeared as a finalist in the Music Teachers National Association competition in the Senior Division after receiving first prize in the west central regional competition consisting of eight states. She has also been the first prize winner of the Colorado Flute Association Competition in 2014 and was recognized with the best performance of the required piece, La Bella, by the composer himself, Marco Granados in 2016. In addition, Rebecca was the first prize winner of the Colorado State Music Teachers Association Competition in which she competed in the Rising Stars festival including all strings, winds, and percussion instruments. Recently, she has been awarded first prize in the International Great Composers Competition in both the Mediterranean Europe and the Germany and Austria Divisions.

Rebecca appeared in Carnegie Hall at the age of 16, as the Second Prize winner of the American protégé International Competition. After winning her second time, as First Prize winner, she will be performing again this May, 2016. Also, as a winner of the Colorado State Music Teachers Association Concerto Competition, she was invited to perform the first movement of the Mozart Concerto in D major with the Metropolitan State of Denver University Symphony at the King Center in Denver.
As a collaborator, Rebecca recently gave a performance in a chamber ensemble in Packard Hall at Colorado College with internationally known pianist Cullan Bryant and the Colorado College of Music Faculty. She has also performed in many informal and formal events with the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony Woodwind Quintet.

Rebecca has been in the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony for the past five years. She has gone on a tour to Japan and will be going on another this summer to New York, Germany, and the Czech Republic with the organization. Rebecca has also been chosen for the auditioned Stanford Youth Orchestra in the Precollegiate studies at Stanford University as principal flutist, as well as winning a scholarship to the Lamont Summer Academy at the University of Denver and chosen as assistant principal and piccolo. She has also performed in many other auditioned groups in the state including the Colorado All-State Orchestra, CU Boulder Honor Band, Top of the Nation Honor Band at Adams State University.

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