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Chew Jia Ying Kion

Kion started piano lessons at the age of 4, under Ms Christine Gan, and have shown strong interest and concentration ability when playing the piano. She is naturally musical & enjoys performing. She has performed in New York, Brno, Paris, Taipei, Tainan, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

Her upcoming performances includes:
• Selected to perform at the Singapore National Art Gallery as part of the Singapore Rhapsodies on 10 June 2016. She will be playing two pieces of her own composition, Sonatina in C-major first movement by Mozart and a duet, Spanish Dances Op.12,No.1 by Moritz Moskoski

Recent achievements:
• Great Composers Competition: The Music 20 Century, awarded First
Prize for the 8-10 age catergory, on 8 May 2016

• Great Composers Competition: The Music Of Austria 2016, awarded First Prize for the 8-10 age category, on 22 March 2016

• Bach in the Subways 2016, the 6th Annual International Celebration of the music of J.S Bach to his 331st birthday held on 19-21 March 2016. She performed Bach Invention No.6 BWV 777

• 2016 Taiwan-Asia International Piano & Vocal Competition in Jan 2016, Tainan Municipal Cultural Centre International Conference Hall,
- 1st prize winner for Bach from Little notebook for Anna Magdalena category.
- 1st prize winner for Sonatina category
- 1st prize winner for Primary school level category

• Paris Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition 2015 France, 1st prize absolute winner for both Duet and Solo Catergory

• 6th Asean International Chopin Piano Competition 2015 in Dec 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Young Talent Catergory, Best Performer.

• XXII Amadeus Mozartian Competition 2015 in Oct 2015, Czech Republic, Brno, 1st prize (Catergory 1)

• 9th Malaysian Youth Music Festival 2015 in Sept 2015, K.L Malaysia, 1st prize for both Solo and Duet Catergory

Her past achievements includes:
• Invited to perform at Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel Singapore, as Guest Performer, for Because Of You, a fundraising Music Recital, in July 2014

• American Protégé International Music Talent Competition Fall 2013, Second Place Winner, Performed at The Carnegie Hall, New York on 25 March 2014, Winner’s Recital

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